Radiance Disinfectant Chemicals


Hard Surface Sanitizer

Cleaning/sanitizing of equipment, utensils and surfaces minimizes contaminating food. This is the perfect sanitizer for all food contact surfaces. This ready-to-use formula guarantees proper levels of active agents.

Item # Scent Size Pack
10079749 None 1 qt. 12/cs

Lemon Detergent Disinfectant

Disinfects inanimate hard surfaces such as walls, floors, sink tops, toilet bowls, tables, chairs, phones and bed frames. Used for larger areas such as operating rooms, patient care facilities and restrooms.

Item # Scent Size Pack
10079753 Lemon 1 gal. 4/cs

Germicidal Cleaner

Hospital-grade germicidal disinfectant cleaner and deodorant designed for general cleaning, and controlling mold and mildew on hard, non-porous non-food contact surfaces. This product is included on EPA’s List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 and other diseases (use as directed).

Item # Scent Size Pack
10164015 Lemon 1 qt. 12/cs

Germicidal Spray Cleaner

Quat-based disinfectant/detergent. Kills harmful bacteria and viruses in restroom showers. Cleans and disinfects hard non-porous surfaces. Virucidal, tuberculocidal, fungicidal and mildewstat.

Item # Scent Size Pack
10079748 Lemon 1 qt. 12/cs

Lemon Scent Neutral Disinfectant​

One-step germicidal disinfectant/cleaner/deodorizer for general cleaning and mold/mildew control on hard, non-porous environmental surfaces. Cleans quickly, removing dirt, grime, mold, mildew, body oils, and other common soils. Safe on floor finishes.

Item # Scent Size Pack
10079739 Lemon 1 gal. 4/cs

Pine Scent Neutral Disinfectant​​

One-step germicidal disinfectant cleaner/deodorant for general cleaning, disinfecting, deodorizing, and controlling mold and mildew. Removes soils found in healthcare, hospitality, public areas & restrooms.

Item # Scent Size Pack
10079742 Pine 1 gal. 4/cs

Fresh Scent Neutral Disinfectant Cleaner

One-step disinfectant/cleaner/deodorizer effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria. Is virucidal (including MRSA, VRE, and HIV-1), fungicidal, and inhibits the growth of mold and mildew and their odors when used as directed. Safe on floor finishes.

Item # Scent Size Pack
10079755 Fresh 1 gal. 4/cs

Neutral Disinfectant

One-step germicidal disinfectant/cleaner/deodorizer for general cleaning and mold/mildew control on hard, non-porous environmental surfaces. Cleans quickly, removing dirt, grime, mold, mildew, body oils, and other common soils. Safe on floor finishes.

Item # Scent Size Pack
10079745 Fresh & Clean 1 gal. 4/cs

Facility + RTU Disinfectant Cleaner

Ready-to-use hydrogen peroxide disinfectant cleaner for use on hard, non-porous surfaces, even laminated surfaces, plastic, plexiglass and chrome. Effective against SARS-CoV-2, Staph and Salmonella enterica when used as directed.

Item # Scent Size Pack
10170890 None 1 qt. 12/cs

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